Kelouis Minter

Oklahoma City Lancers SS #36

2021 Pre-season Analysis

Lancers Secondary.docx

2021 Game Tape

Minter thought he had 'em lined up to lay the boom on Dario Augustine like he did Joey Terry earlier, but whiffed and was grasping at air on his way to the turf. Luckily Augustine didn't end up going anywhere, which lessens the sting of embarrassment a little bit. Valuable lesson learned - always wrap up.


2021 Week 1: Lancers @ Crusaders.mp4
2021 Week 4: Wizards @ Lancers.mp4
2021 Week 1: Lancers @ Crusaders.mp4
2021 Week 11: Lancers @ Wizards.mp4
2021 Week 10: Generals @ Lancers.mp4


It's okay Kelouis, bringing down a tank like Mareny LaRue is no easy proposition even when you've got a clear path. And as the saying goes, if at first you don't succeed...

Player Profile

Kelouis Minter.docx