Hakeem Reid

Detroit Marauders WR #80

2021 Pre-season Analysis

Marauders Receivers.docx

2021 Game Tape

**Annotations and the order of these videos turn out a bit wonky on mobile**

(Clip 1) Wow, this guy can fly. And take a look at that gorgeous flick of the wrist from Kelly Katy too, casually dropping the ball into the bucket from 50 yards away. Maybe the St. Louis Wizards aren't the only team sitting on a potentially generational deep-ball attack. Don't forget about this Katy/Reid combo, guys. They're both still younger than 27.


(Clip 5 on mobile) Can't stand the people who whine "it didn't count so why would you post it?" Just look at what's in front of your eyes, man! What a freaking catch! I understand it didn't count within the arbitrary rules of our dumb game, but imagine you were an alien who didn't know anything about football. This play would get you fired up, wouldn't it? It's a good play.


2021 Week 4: Badgers @ Marauders.mp4
2021 Week 13: Marauders @ Mariners.mp4
2021 Week 5: Marauders @ Bucks.mp4
2021 Week 13: Marauders @ Mariners.mp4
2021 Week 12: Lumberjacks @ Marauders.mp4

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(Clips 2 and 4 on mobile) Reid wrapped up one of the best highlight reels of the season by taking Alonte Leamon Jr.'s lunch money twice on Thursday night primetime. The hotshot rookie corner (2021's 9th overall pick) is about the only defender that can keep up with Reid, so the he just Mossed him instead. You can color me thoroughly impressed.

Player Profile

Hakeem Reid.docx